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Logistics study programs at the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven

The University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven is one of the few universities to offer both a bachelor's and master's degree in logistics:

TWL - Transportwesen und Logistik (B. Eng.)

LEM - Logistics Engineering Management (M. Sc.)

9 Reasons to study Logistics in Bremerhaven

  1. The study program of Transportation and Logistics regularly is among the TOP 5 of logistics courses in Germany and has been awarded several times for its teaching and program content (Federal Ministry of Transport)
  2. The technical-engineering orientation of the study program is unique - you will receive the degree "Bachelor of Engineering" respectively "Master of Science". Graduates from Bremerhaven enjoy an excellent reputation in the job market.
  3. You get the education to a versatile logistics generalist and gain insight into many facets of logistics - from operational view all the way up to management perspectives. Thus, you will become a well trained and sought-after experts in the logistics industry!
  4. You will become a digital specialist. The share of modules in computer science are exceptionally high in both study programs.
  5. Research orientation: The degree programs take up up to date topics and research projects are integrated into teaching, e.g. "Crowdlogistics", "Electricomobility", "Artificial Intelligence"
  6. The logistics industry is one of the three largest business sectors in Germany and continues to grow. In Bremerhaven you are close to logistic companies and potential future employers.
  7. The city of Bremerhaven is on the rise and is enjoying an increasing attractiveness. It is also a famous tourist destination.
  8. The University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven has a family atmosphere. Due to short distances, communication is easy and there is close contact between students and teachers.
  9. The alumni network (VdWT) at the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven is the largest alumni group in logistics with more than 800 members. It is an excellent opportunity for questions, internships, careers and networking.

Curious? Then inform yourself about the study programs on the University website:

Transportwesen und Logistik (TWL)

Logistics Engineering Master (LEM)
